We are proud to offer beautiful flowers that are always hand-arranged and hand-delivered by local florists: that's the Floreal Difference! Plus we make it easy to send flowers online. You can order your floral arrangements online from your desktop, tablet, or phone. If you need to get a gift last-minute, we have same-day flower delivery available on most flower arrangements. Just place your order before 3:00 PM, Monday - Friday, or by 12:00 PM on Saturday or Sunday (in your recipient's time zone) and our local florist will deliver the flowers the very same day!

Our Location

Who We Are

We are your 24/7 local flower and farmer expert.

What We Do

We offer custom services to fit your floral needs.

Got A Question?

Every client has different needs and wants.

Contact Olive & Ivy

Let's talk about cooperation or just create beautiful flower bouquets

When you choose Olive & Ivy, you know it’s backed by our quality flowers and service. We take pride and time to create each floral design for every customer because it’s you we care about. Our goal is to see each customer and their unique needs and expectations. We walk through the experience together to ensure your floral goals are met and exceeded.

Ann Arbor Location

2211 Walter Dr., Ann Arbor, MI 48103