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We are proud to offer beautiful flowers that are always hand-arranged and hand-delivered by local florists: that's the Floreal Difference! Plus we make it easy to send flowers online. You can order your floral arrangements online from your desktop, tablet, or phone. If you need to get a gift last-minute, we have same-day flower delivery available on most flower arrangements. Just place your order before 3:00 PM, Monday - Friday, or by 12:00 PM on Saturday or Sunday (in your recipient's time zone) and our local florist will deliver the flowers the very same day!

Contact Olive & Ivy Floral

Ann Arbor Flower Expert - Olive & Ivy Floral
Ann Arbor Location

2211 Walter Dr., Ann Arbor, MI, 48103

Get In Touch!

We value locally grown flowers, supporting our neighbors, and putting a smile on our customers’ faces.

    We’re Here for All
    of Your Floral Needs.